OutPost version 1.5

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Added gzip and deflate compression internally! Now it really rocks :)

1.5.002 - 20061001 0312 twj

  • Removed selected="selected" when comparing html, it caused dropdown boxes to be refreshed without more often than needed
  • Removed call to oForm_doReset after each post back because of the change to the dropdowns
  • Added update of SignUp demo - it now has 3 "linked" controls (two drop-downs and a text field)

1.5.001 - 20061001 0014 twj

  • Added gzip and deflate compression internally
  • Changed namespace OutPost.Core to OutPost
  • Removed constant ContentTypeForNoCompression

1.4.004 - 20060928 1107 twj

  • Added error message when trying to view OutPost.aspx directly
  • Added MinimumSizeForCompression and ContentTypeForNoCompression constants


If you occasionally look at my blog, please drop me a comment once in a while. It keeps me going :) and hopefully keeps me delivering the best performing indirect ajax framework in the world!

OutPost 1.4 Refresh

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I have made som optimizations to version 1.4. Download and update for better performance.

1.4.003 - 20060928 1107 twj

  • Changed "SessionID" and "session" to "GUID" and "guid"
  • Optimized client framework size by removing spaces and replacing variable names

1.4.002 - 20060927 1444 twj

  • Added default setting of PartsNeeded for GET request
  • Changed "SessionID" and "session" to "GUID" and "guid"

OutPost version 1.4

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This release focuses on optimization of traffic between client and server. As a result of moving away from using SOAP I reduced traffic overhead dramatically.

I also made a OutPost 1.4 demo site - try it out!

OutPost version 1.3

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Version 1.3 now available.

A lot of improvements has gone into this release:

  • New demo with a Sign-Up web form (by request).
  • Removed Session dependency.
  • Restores position and selection in IE on postback.
  • Found problems with unicode characters. As it is your page must include the tag ResponseEncoding="utf-8" in order to work properly with Unicode characters.
  • Added a cloak (event trap) over the form in IE on postback in order to mimick default web form behaviour.
  • Added support for WebForm_AutoFocus.
  • Added support for queueing requests.
  • Added support for reloading script blocks.
  • Added setting LocalHost to specify alternative localhost domain.
  • Added support for HTTP-compression (tested with FlatCompression R1.20.226 from www.flatcompression.org).
  • A lot of bugs fixed.
