OutPost and ASP.NET Development Server

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I just found out, that OutPost has some troubles with the way ASP.NET Development Server handles httphandlers. The section of web.config can be modified to make it work:

Change this:

<add verb="*" path="OutPost.axd" type="OutPost.Core.Switch,OutPost"/>

to this:

<add verb="*" path="OutPost.axd,OutPost.axd/Ajax.js" type="OutPost.Core.Switch,OutPost"/>

And it now works with ASP.NET Development Server

OutPost Demo HowTo for .NET 2.0

For ASP.NET 2.0 demo

  1. Download and unzip OutPost.zip
  2. Open folder "Demo"
  3. Right-click sub folder "Outpost-2.0-Demo"
  4. Select "Properties"
  5. Select "Web Sharing"
  6. Select "Share this folder", alias should be "Outpost-2.0-Demo"
  7. If .NET 2.0 isn't your default setting you must configure this with Internet Information Services
  8. Now you can open the demo at "http://localhost/Outpost-2.0-Demo/Demo"


Monday, November 05, 2007

I'm making a presentation at BarCampCopenhagen about OutPost. It's in Copenhagen on January 25th, 2008. Hope to see you there! The next release is on its way and includes a lot of improvements.