I have written a code generator, that generates C# classes based on the tables and views in a database. It had for some time irritated me that even though everything was now neatly packaged in a data layer and an entity relation layer I still needed the occasional SQL-WHERE clause here and there. And as you know they never result in compile time errors, but instead in runtime errors, which is worse... So I wanted the compiler to catch me if I wrote a syntax incorrect SQL-WHERE clause, instead of getting a runtime error, when a user reached the specific page and state of things.
Also when I modified the database, I wanted the compiler to check the SQL-WHERE clauses for me, which can be a tideous chore to do manually. So I came up with this solution, that works best in combination with a code generator, because then you'll have complete syncronisation with the columns and datatypes to use.
- Support for != and == operators
- Support for && and || binary operators
- Support for int datatype
- Support for string datatype
Note: The examples show how to create Filter instances. I use my code generator to do this for me. It creates a filter instance for each column. If I refer to a column that has been deleted or renamed in the database the compiler will catch this.
Filter.IntFilter iEmpl_Id = new Filter.IntFilter("Empl_Id");
string sSQLWhere = (iEmpl_Id=="A text").ToString();
Results in a compile time error.
Filter.IntFilter iEmpl_Id = new Filter.IntFilter("Empl_Id");
string sSQLWhere = (iEmpl_Id==13).ToString();
Results in the string "Empl_Id=13"
Filter.StringFilter sEmpl_NameFirst = new Filter.StringFilter("Empl_Name");
Filter.IntFilter iEmpl_Id = new Filter.IntFilter("Empl_Id");
string sSQLWhere = (iEmpl_Id==13 || iEmpl_Id!=10&&sEmpl_NameFirst=="D'angelo").ToString();
Results in the string "Empl_Id=13 OR (NOT (Empl_Id=10) AND Empl_Name='D''angelo')"
- Support for < and > operators
- Support for IN clause
- Support for Datetime datatype
- Support for Guid datatype
- Support for SqlTypes datatypes
using System;
namespace NatMus.Data.Core {
public class Filter {
protected string sOperandName = "";
protected string sSqlOperator = "";
protected string sSqlPrefix = "";
protected string sSqlPostfix = "";
protected string sValue = "";
protected bool bNegated = false;
protected Filter oFilterLeft = null;
protected Filter oFilterRight = null;
public Filter() {
public Filter(string sOperandName) {
this.sOperandName = sOperandName;
public Filter(Filter oFilter) {
this.sOperandName = oFilter.sOperandName;
this.sSqlOperator = oFilter.sSqlOperator;
this.sValue = oFilter.sValue;
this.bNegated = oFilter.bNegated;
this.sSqlPrefix = oFilter.sSqlPrefix;
this.sSqlPostfix = oFilter.sSqlPostfix;
public static Filter operator & (Filter oFilterLeft, Filter oFilterRight) {
Filter oFilterResult = new Filter();
oFilterResult.sSqlPrefix = "(";
oFilterResult.sSqlOperator = " AND ";
oFilterResult.sSqlPostfix = ")";
oFilterResult.oFilterLeft = oFilterLeft;
oFilterResult.oFilterRight = oFilterRight;
return oFilterResult;
public static Filter operator | (Filter oFilterLeft, Filter oFilterRight) {
Filter oFilterResult = new Filter();
oFilterResult.sSqlOperator = " OR ";
oFilterResult.oFilterLeft = oFilterLeft;
oFilterResult.oFilterRight = oFilterRight;
return oFilterResult;
public static bool operator true(Filter v) {
return false;
public static bool operator false(Filter v) {
return false;
public override string ToString() {
System.Text.StringBuilder oStringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
if ((object)oFilterLeft!=null) {
oStringBuilder.Append(sOperandName + sSqlOperator + sValue);
if ((object)oFilterRight!=null) {
return oStringBuilder.ToString();
public class StringFilter : Filter {
public StringFilter(string sOperandName) : base(sOperandName) {
public StringFilter(Filter v) : base(v) {
public static StringFilter operator == (StringFilter v, string sValue) {
StringFilter oFilter = new StringFilter(v);
oFilter.sSqlOperator = "=";
oFilter.sValue = "'" + sValue.ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'";
return oFilter;
public static StringFilter operator != (StringFilter v, string sValue) {
return !(v==sValue);
public static StringFilter operator ! (StringFilter v) {
StringFilter oFilter = new StringFilter(v);
oFilter.bNegated = !oFilter.bNegated;
if (oFilter.bNegated) {
oFilter.sSqlPrefix = "NOT (" + oFilter.sSqlPrefix;
oFilter.sSqlPostfix += ")";
return oFilter;
public override bool Equals(object o) {
if (o==null) return false;
return this==(StringFilter)o;
public override int GetHashCode() {
return sOperandName.GetHashCode();
public class IntFilter : Filter {
public IntFilter(string sOperandName) : base(sOperandName) {
public IntFilter(Filter v) : base(v) {
public static IntFilter operator == (IntFilter v, int iValue) {
IntFilter oFilter = new IntFilter(v);
oFilter.sSqlOperator = "=";
oFilter.sValue = iValue.ToString();
return oFilter;
public static IntFilter operator != (IntFilter v, int iValue) {
return !(v==iValue);
public static IntFilter operator ! (IntFilter v) {
IntFilter oFilter = new IntFilter(v);
oFilter.bNegated = !oFilter.bNegated;
if (oFilter.bNegated) {
oFilter.sSqlPrefix = "NOT (" + oFilter.sSqlPrefix;
oFilter.sSqlPostfix += ")";
return oFilter;
public override bool Equals(object o) {
if (o==null) return false;
return this==(IntFilter)o;
public override int GetHashCode() {
return sOperandName.GetHashCode();